Privacy Policy & Terms of Usage

Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd respects your privacy and makes every effort to protect your personal details from being transmitted to third party. Our privacy policy contract ensures that all personally verifiable information (viz. Address, name of a client, and a personal phone number, which can easily differentiate an individual) provided to our websites by our esteemed clients are safe, secure and intact with us.

If you are interested in finding out information about our services, you are welcome to explore our web site without providing any personal details. However, to understand the latest trend and to conduct a market survey for statistics purpose, we have a safe tracking of Internet address of the eligible client who explores our site. But it does not compromise any personal data. Therefore, all visitors are welcome to browse our home page anonymously.

Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd is committed not to disclose, sell, or trade private information to third parties, which will be obtained from the registration, or to use any online services (involving personal name & addresses) without prior consent of the client. The exceptions to these declarations are judicial writ, legal process and search warrant or in the case of impendent physical or mental harm to the client or associates. In all cases, we inform the individual concerned about it.

The information related to you (includes name, date of travel etc) are provided to our hotels, transporters etc) to confirm your preferred service and registration.

Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd. family is completely against unauthorized entry and unlawful use of personal details and maintains a strict policy, regulations, and technology with security system to avoid it.

All necessary alteration/amendment of the privacy policy of the company will be updated from time to time and will be communicated on this webpage.

For further information on the Privacy policy Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd, you can contact us at our email with a concerned subject of Company Privacy Policy. Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd. will make best effort to get back to all your queries within 5 business days of acknowledgement.



1.1 Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd (the Website), a travel based company powered by internet marketing operated and managed by Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd. registered with the Indian laws has its operational base at Delhi.

Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd
Address : 262, Ground Floor, Opp. Satnam Farm House, Saidulajab, Near Saket Metro Station, Saket, New Delhi - 110030
Mobile : +91-9711866323
E-mail :

1.2 The company Web site of Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd endeavours to provide information related to travel, itineraries, tour packages, prices of different travel packages, hotel information, bookings, airline reservation, car hiring etc.

1.3 This Agreement defines all the specific terms and conditions which Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd. will provide to the clients via its web site. Along with this Agreement, the client must also read and accept all terms and conditions as per TOS, which are also subject to update from time to time by Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd. These TOS are an integral part of this Agreement but in time of any major conflict surrounding TOS as well as this Agreement all the terms and conditions of this Agreement will be paramount.

1.4 Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd Website provides transaction to the client on pre consideration of acceptation of all the mentioned policy, terms, conditions, and notices without any change, alteration and modifications. If the client has some disagreement with the mentioned terms and policy then the client should not transact on our website.

1.5 In addition, to the existing terms the service provider from time to time may attach certain guidelines and rules about the services offered (which include services such as holiday packages, hotel bookings, airlines etc.). The client is privileged to ensure all the terms mentioned by the service provider to avail of the services. If a conflict take place between the Agreement (TOS) and terms specified by the service provider the latter guidelines will be effective.

1.6 Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd., on its own will has the right to reject any order placed by the client without mentioning the reason to opt thereof. Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd. will provide services with a condition to receive the real amount of the service from the client.


1.7 Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd has the exclusive right to update the terms, and conditions of offering services. To be updated about the terms and conditions, the client must review the terms and conditions from time to time.

1.8 The client thus expresses his readiness to the acceptance of the terms and conditions after fully understanding the privacy policy of Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd in respect of the website, as provided in Annex 2. The client furthermore confirms that the terms and policies are acceptable to him/her about the privacy policy.


1.9 The client further accepts not to trade, or to re-sell or use commercially any part of the services.The website is to be used for personal use and should not be made commercial.

1.10 The user further agrees not to reverse-engineer, modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell any information, software, products or services obtained from the website. Limited reproduction of the content of the website is permitted provided that the name of Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd is stated as the source. Large-scale reproduction, copying of the content for commercial or non-commercial purpose and unwarranted modification of data and information within the content of the website is not permitted.

1.11 Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd does not, by offering travel related services to particular destinations, claim that travel to such destinations does not entail risk;and shall not be responsible for damages or losses that may ensue from travel to such destinations.

1.12 In no event shall Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special, consequential damages or any other damages resulting from: (A) The cost of replacement of goods and services, (B) unauthorized access to or alteration of the user's transmissions or data; (C) Any other matter relating to the services; including, without limitation, damages for loss of use, data or profits, arising out of the use or performance of the website.

Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd will also not be responsible for the delay or inability to use the website or related services, the provision of or failure to provide services, or for any information, software, products, services and related graphics obtained through the website,whether based on contract, lack of knowledge, liability etc. Further, Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd shall not be held responsible for non-availability of the website during periodic maintenance operations or any out of turn suspension of access to the website that may occur due to technical reasons or for any reason beyond control of Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd. The user understands and agrees that any material and/or data downloaded or otherwise obtained through the website is done entirely at their own discretion and risk and they will be solely responsible for any damage to their computer systems or loss of data that results from the download of such material and/or data.

These limitations, disclaimer of warranties and exclusions apply without regard to whether the damages arise from (A) Breach of contract, (B) Breach of warranty, (C) Negligence, or (D) Any other cause of action, to the extent such exclusion and limitations are not prohibited by applicable law.

The maximum liability on part of Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd. arising under any circumstances, withregards to any services offered on the site, shall be limited to the refund of total amount received from the customer for availing the services after deducting any cancellation, refund or others charges, as may be applicable. The money refund liability shall not include any consequential loss, damage or additional expense whatsoever.


1.13 The company web site will offer social communication services such as e-mail, bulletin, chat facility, travel news, web pages, details of travel destinations public forums, messages, and many more elements. The client thus agrees to make a proper use of communication services which will include posting, sending and receiving of messages and materials that are based on the particular communication topic and is meaningful.

The policy makes the client to understand not to restrictclients communication ability. Thereby, users agree that while using one of the communication service the client will not do the following: -

a) A deliberate act of persecution, creating problems, stalking, defamation, abusive language, potential threat and violation of legitimate rights of the concerned users will be marked as an ill communication;

(b) Any effort to make publicly inappropriate post, misuse of social media contacts, upload obscene, and indecent topics, which are unlawful, will be liable misconduct and misuse of communication;

(c) No upload of software programmes without the consent of the owner or if the user has the right to access the file;

(d) Strict restriction on uploading of software programmes or to promote spamming files, which are marked with viruses that can have a negative impact on the operation of website or computer;

(e) Publishing unsought for commercials, offers to sell specific goods, services unless such communication services allow this messages;

(f) To run campaign of surveys, quick rich schemes or missives;

(g) To misinterpret, falsified, and delete any ascriptions of author like legal notices, designations, and labels, to unnecessary drag the person into a dispute by use of direct or indirect methods

(h) To intentionally violate the terms, conditions and other guidelines of any particular communication services;

(i) Violations of law, regulations and prescribed rules which is applicable in or outside India and;

(j) To disregard any of the prescribed terms and conditions of this agreement as well as the term as and conditions to access the website elsewhere here

1.14 Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltdis not responsible for reviewing the social communication media availed by the

Web site. However, Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltdsolely asserts and defends its right to examine the contents posted using the social communication services and has the full authority to remove the contents at its discretion.

Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltdhas booked exclusive rights to eradicate the client's access to a specific or all communication services available at any period without prior information of the reason whatsoever.


1.15 Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltdhas exclusive rights to charge the listing charges for a specific listing along with the transaction, and service tax to complete the transaction process using the exclusive service of Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd.

Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltdmoreover has the full right to change any fees at any given time with justification provided to the clients.

1.16 Client Registration on our Web Site is an optional process which can be used or not as the clients desire. But if a client has registered himself/herself on our web site then on completion of the registration process, we assign them a User Id and Password. The client will be responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the User Id and Password and will take all liability for the activities carried out by the User Id and Password.

1.17 The client is solely responsible for the security of the password and for all transactions obtained using our services. Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd does not make any attempt to hack your password, as it is entered and transmitted in a one-way encrypted code to the database. This encryption process clearly ensures that the password is not known to even Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd. The client also has to assure that s/he is the legal user of the credit card or the transaction used in the Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltdregistration websites. Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd. is not liablefor any loss, illegaltransaction from credit card, financial misuse, or improper handling of ID/PASSWORD/CREDIT CARD NUMBER/ACCOUNT DETAILS for using Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd. Services.

1.18 The client must agree to immediately inform Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd. of any unlawful use of the client password or User Id. The client should make sure to log off at end of each session at the website. Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd. will not take any responsibility for any direct or indirect loss and damage that may rise as a reason of client's failure to meet this requirement.

1.19 The client must also agree to the certain terms, which are as follows:
(a) The client must provide the appropriate and complete data about themselves and their associates at the time of registration for services on the web site and;

(b) The client must provide all true information in matters of financial transactions,since any false, incomplete, misleading or suspicious information to Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd may result inTravel Fair India Pvt. Ltd to cancel the client's registration process and permanentlysuspend him/her from using any services provided by the website.

1.20 The client must confirm that they are of minimum legal age to use the website and thereby enter in to a contract and is not an individual restricted from using the website or services under the notified laws of India or laws of other international organisations to which India is a signatory.

1.21 Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd at their own discretion can suspend the client for indefinite period and may not allow the client to register or try to use the services of Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltdand if the client does not follow thesedirections, it will be regarded as an act of breach of contract.

Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd. reserves the right to get back the money due which the client will have to pay to Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd/or to the service provider. If the payment is not made to Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd,the company reserves the privilege to take necessary legal action.

1.22 The client or Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltdhas the right to terminate the contract or agreement or a service at any time, which may come into use from the time of intimating the clients.

1.23 The Client must agree that Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd.has the right to restrict his account without prior notification and the termination of account is not only limited to breach of agreement.

1.24 This contract can be terminated by any person, which may include either the client or Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltdby providing a statement in writing informing of termination to the concerned persons. Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd. will not be liable to the client or any other individuals for ending of the specified services and if the client has any reservations about this, only solution is:

a) To stop making any transactionon thewebsite or facilities and;
b) A simple intimation to Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd of the suspension of services

1.25 After termination of services, the client loses the privilege to access the website. All services will be ceased by Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd.

1.26 Online payments by credit cards such as Visa, Master and American express card are processed through an online payment gateway system. There is no fear of the client's credit cards information falling into the wrong hands because their bank will authorize the credit card transaction directly without any information passing through Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd. In a very short duration (depending on the Internet connection), the bank will issue, using the online payment gateway, an authorization code and confirmation of completion of transaction(s).

1.27 The payment gateway uses a secure network. The payment gateway on ., as a Verisign Certified interface provided by Bank, uses the latest bit encryption technology and other sophisticated methods to protect the credit card information. You can book your product using encryption (the internet standard for secure transactions). The online transaction with a credit card at the website is safer than using a credit card at a marketing outlet because Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd does not retain your credit card data. Clients should have no concern that Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd. offers you the highest security norms that the modern Internet technology can offer. Our aim is to ensure that your transaction experience is confidential, safe and secure.

1.28 Refusal of online payment - If the website does not accept the credit card payment for some reason, another replacement payment information must be received by the Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd hours prior to the time of departure; otherwise, the order may be cancelled by Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd.

1.29 Password - Clients are responsible for the confidentiality of their password and for all transactions undertaken using this password through the service Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd. The Password entered by them is transmitted in one-way encrypted form to the database of Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd and stored in a similar manner. Thus the Password will not be known even to Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd. Clients confirm that they are the legalusers of the credit card or the original account owners used in the transactions they make using the Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd services. Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd will not be take the responsibility for any economic liability, problems caused to the customers or psychological pressure resulting from inappropriate use of your ID/password/credit card number/account details number for using Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd. website services.

1.30 Transaction confirmation the clients should not initiate any action based on thedata on the webpagesunless they receive an authorised confirmation of their online transaction. If the confirmation is to be received by email, if they do not receive a confirmation of their purchase/transaction within the specified time, they are requested to first check their "spam" or "junk" folder to ensure that it has not gone there, and if it is not there, please contact Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd.

1.31 INTERPRETATION OF NUMBER AND GENDERS The above-specifiedpoints, conditions, contracts, agreements and all notices are applied to both the singular and plural form of the propositions, objects and individuals. Whenever the context may require, any pronoun shall include both masculine and feminine genders.


The notices and communications (which will contain all the relative changes in the TOS, service, ending of service etc.,) and all these notices will be in English.They may also be provided in person, or via courier services or sent via e-mail and return receipt shall berequired along with acknowledgement of communication.

Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd.
262, Ground Floor, Opp. Satnam Farm House,
Saidulajab, Near Saket Metro Station, Saket, New Delhi - 110030
Mobile : +91 9711866323 Telephone : +91.11.69410322 E-mail :

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I request and authorize Travel Fair India to contact me on my above provided phone number and e-mail ID for this enquiry/transaction and thus any call or e-mail contact made for this enquiry/transaction is 'transactional' as per 'Telecom Regulation Authority of India' rules.*

Why Book with Us?

  • tripadvisor 2017 Winner - Certificate of Excellence
  • Served more than 10,000 Happy Clients World wide.
  • Approved by : Govt. of India - Ministry of Tourism
  • 24*7 Availablity - We are available round the clock to help you.
  • 100% Tailor Made - Customized tour itineraries the way you want
  • Solo Travel in India - Special Guide & Care to Female Travelers

Contact Us

Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd.
262, Ground Floor, Opp. Satnam Farm House,
Saidulajab, Near Saket Metro Station, Saket,
New Delhi - 110030

CIN : U63030DL2012PTC243307

: +91 9711 866 323
: 011 40541940

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Ministry of Tourism

Disclaimer : By filling out the form and providing your requirements via chat on our website, our expert team will contact you to customize your tour plan. After finalizing the agreements, you can make payments online via bank transfer or Razorpay, our online payment gateway. Travel Fair India Pvt. Ltd. employees or agents will never ask for your card information (number, CVV, net banking login, password, OTP, etc.), nor will they request fund transfers to personal accounts or the installation of third-party apps like AnyDesk or TeamViewer. We are not responsible for any losses incurred due to such actions.

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